Back to the Grind


It’s been a while, so here’s an update:

The garden is flourishing. I’ve got a handful of tomatoes already, and the cucumbers are coming in. I’m picking a handful of strawberries every day, and they are delicious!

IMG_1099 IMG_1098Looking forward to a healthy harvest within the next few weeks.


Oh, and I submitted two stories tonight. 🙂


That’s all for now. This week, I will finish installing my ceiling fans. Hopefully that will help keep the outrageous electric bills down in this sweltering summer heat. I’ll post before and after pics (as long as everything goes well and I don’t electrocute myself in the process).



M. R. C.

Looking for an Ending

I was laying in bed the other night reading The Writer, and I noticed seven pages worth of fiction and poetry contests with deadlines ranging from now until the end of the summer. This is both good and bad; I have many options when considering where to submit my work, but I could end up spending a lot of money in the process. 😉

But, in the spirit of the contest season, I have prepared a short, short story called “End of Harvest”. Originally set in the post apocalyptic world of The Fall of Galen (the first book in a dark fantasy series written with my co-author BJ Sendelbaugh), it is a story about two teenage brothers tasked with destroying the farm’s zombie slaves.  I changed a few details that took it out of that world, but my intention is to eventually rework it to fit right back in.

I’m sharing this with the caveat that this is not a final draft, but merely the early workings of a story.  I haven’t even shared this one with my critique group yet (sorry gals).  When it is complete, though, you may just find it right back here.  By the way, I welcome and encourage all comments and suggestions.  I’m not quite sure how to end it yet, so I’m looking to you all to help me.

Read End of Harvest by clicking here.


Cheers to fears,

M. R. C.